Having seen first-hand how organisation have been changed to a more profitable, better place to work and enjoyable experience after implementing cyber security I thought it would make sense to share what I have seen.

Many organisations are built with IT as an afterthought yet these very same organisations are completely reliant on the technology to deliver whatever it is they provide to their customers, then there is the rude awakening of complete cease of production, or an impact on reputation that truly shocks them to the core, these awakening are the kick starter for a transition to ad-hoc to strategic IT, but more than that the symptoms of this paradigm shift are far reaching and turning a company into a much more valuable asset.

The reality is most SMEs have no policy, or any processes that are carefully followed, most business is run on muscle and feel and requires reactive measures to ensure effective delivery, this of course filters down to the technology employed by the organisation and intern leave them exposed and vulnerable, fast forward and you are breached, data lost and a backlash of issues that age the owner 10 years.


Having survived the event it is vowed that this should never happen again, no longer is the founder and owner putting his baby, his prize possession in jeopardy again.

So embarks the journey to mitigating risk, how much risk once awareness sets in is never what the owner envisaged but now it’s time to start and protect your crown jewels.

Fast forward 12 months then another 6 and proper engagement has reaped rewards, the symptoms of the efforts made include but are not limited to.

Faster, your team are delivering projects on time, if not earlier, there moral has gone up and engagement flourished as their ability to work has improved, why and how I hear you ask….2 reasons, assume you have been breached but you don’t have the technology to identify the culprit (malware) your system, systems are all carrying out processing, using up memory and clogging up your network without you knowing, on average it take 180 days to discover resident malware, that is 6 months your staff have been impacted for, the 2nd reason is standards, good cyber security is about building solution and then replicating what you know works, the offshoot of this is a well-designed security conscious desktop will also run faster, simple they just do, too many details to explain.


Grwoth and learning

We all know that building a strong positive culture within an organisation will help us to deliver our objectives, the team will do this because they have something bigger to believe  in, they want to succeed for the greater good, however culture is not an overnight thing and sometimes a difficult one to address, but by defining your message for keeping the staff, the clients and anything relevant to the organisation cyber safe a culture will flourish, it will reinforce and support any existing culture.

We have all been left unable to work due to our memory, let’s face it with 15 character, complex passwords needing to be change every 30 days we are all going to be left at some point unable to access what we need, but with good cyber controls that enhance security and productivity this headache can be removed, so this will not only mean your team are happier, but projects won’t be delayed and your IT team won’t be busy resetting passwords…

There are many more examples of the benefits that come from implementing good cyber security so don’t stop now, start the journey to a safer, happier and more productive organization.


Would you like to learn more on how to keep your company data safe and improve cybersecurity? Speak to one of our advisors by clicking the link below. We'd be more than happy to help! 


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