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Support Tree is Cyber Essentials Certified – are you?



We are proud to announce that Support Tree is now Cyber Essentials certified!

We were delighted to have been awarded the government-backed Cyber Essentials certification by IASME in June, which we believe demonstrates our dedication to protecting our systems and data, reinforcing the commitment we have to our clients.

“Cyber Essentials is a government-backed, industry supported scheme to help organisations protect themselves against common cyber attacks” –


Support Tree are Cyber Essentials certified

What is Cyber Essentials?

As I covered in our GDPR Lunch and Learn, Cyber Essentials plays a key role in GDPR compliance.

Businesses with CE certifications lower their risk of cyber-attacks and can use it to show customers that they have the sufficient security controls to reduce risk of data and systems breaches.

It’s a fantastic tool to use in your journey to GDPR compliance as it covers many of the practical security aspects set out within the GDPR.


Cyber Essentials focuses on five main controls:
  1. Boundary firewalls and internet gateways – devices to prevent unauthorised access to or from private networks
  2. Secure configuration – ensuring systems are configured in the most secure way
  3. Access control – ensuring only those who should have access to systems have access
  4. Malware protection – making sure virus and malware protection is installed and up to date
  5. Patch management – ensuring the latest supported version of applications is used

But it doesn’t end there

For Support Tree, the CE Certification is just the start of our journey towards the ISO27001 certification. This is an information security standard often required by both public and private sector organisations. We are working towards this because we understand how important it is to continue our learning, bolster our management of security assets and best align ourselves with our customer’s requirements.


We know the journey to GDPR compliance can be a stressful one.

Let us help you with the process with our GDPR technology audit and consultation.

