SME IT Support London

The Top Rated IT Support Company for Small and Medium Sized Businesses in London

It's like having your own IT department

For over 21 years, we have provided outsourced IT support services to small and medium sized business in the Greater London area.

We are local, friendly and privately owned in a market which is increasingly dominated by mergers and private equity acquisitions. At Support Tree we are committed to remaining privately owned and like to develop long-term trusted relationships with our clients.

Our aim is to not only fix today’s IT problems in the fastest time but also in helping small to medium sized businesses in London and the surrounds achieved their long-term goals.

Our knowledge and personalised care will help  to make the most of your existing technology and keep your business secure.

Support Tree team holding our values

The 2024 Definitive Guide to Choosing an IT Support Company for Your Small Business (Pricing Details Inside)

Choosing and IT support company for your business can be time consuming and making a wrong choice can be costly.

With so many IT companies that all seem to look the same, choice paralysis can make you say with the status quo even if you know you really should change.

That’s why we have created this eay to follow guide to help you make your choice. We arm you with the areas you should be considering and the questions you should be asking any prospectuive IT support company so that you acen make an informed choice.

Who we work with

We work alongside SME owners and business leaders who oversee the IT for teams with 10 to 150 people.

We are here to help is:

  • You’re constantly dealing with IT issues instead of running your business.
  • You’re not an IT expert, but you’re looking for higher productivity from your team.
  • You’re constantly wondering if your data is secure.
Tower Bridge in London

We've been helping people just like you for over 21 years